Drop Users
MySQL Tutorial
This SQL tutorial is structured for beginners to guide them from the foundational concepts to advanced data manipulation and querying techniques in SQL. By the end of this tutorial, you will have developed a robust understanding of SQL, equipping you with the knowledge to efficiently manage and analyze data across various database systems. This guide sets the stage for your growth into a skilled data professional, ready to tackle complex data challenges and contribute to the field of data analysis and database management.
Drop User
Dropping users in MySQL will remove a user's access and permissions on a specific database. This is performed by database administrators to maintain security and control over who can interact with the database system, ensuring that only authorized users can access and manipulate the data.
The MySQL Drop User Statement
You can drop/delete one or more existing users in MySQL using the DROP USER Statement. Once you delete an account, all privileges of it are deleted. To execute this statement, you need to have CREATE USER privilege.
Following is the syntax of the DROP USER statement
DROP USER [IF EXISTS] 'username'@'hostname';
Where, user_name is the name of the MySQL user you need to delete.
Suppose, we have created a MySQL user account named 'TestUser' as shown below
CREATE USER TestUser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password1';
Following is the output obtained
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)
You can verify the list of users using the following query
SELECT user FROM MySQl.user;
The table will be displayed as shown below
Now, let us delete the 'TestUser' account created above using the DROP USER statement as shown below
DROP USER TestUser@localhost;
After executing the above code, we can see the output as shown below
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
Once a table is dropped, if you verify the list of the users as shown below using the SELECT statement, you will find that its name is missing from the list
SELECT user FROM MySQl.user;
The table obtained is as follows
Removing Multiple Users
You can also delete multiple users at once using the DROP ROLE statement. Roles are used to manage permissions and access control in a database system. By dropping a role, you revoke all privileges associated with that role.
Let us start by creating two roles 'MyAdmin' and 'MyDeveloper'
CREATE ROLE 'MyAdmin', 'MyDeveloper';
The output obtained is as follows
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Now, let us remove these roles using the DROP ROLE statement
DROP ROLE 'MyAdmin', 'MyDeveloper';
This query will effectively delete both roles from the database
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
The IF EXISTS clause
If you try to drop a MySQL user that doesn't exist, an error will be generated. To address this issue, MySQL provides the IF EXISTS clause, which can be used with the DROP USER statement.
Hence, the IF EXISTS clause allows you to drop a user if they exist, and it handles situations where the specified user is not found in the database.
In the below query, we are attempting to drop the 'demo' user. However, it results in an error because the user doesn't exist in the database
DROP USER demo@localhost;
The output produced is as shown below
ERROR 1396 (HY000): Operation DROP USER failed for 'demo'@'localhost'
If you use the IF EXISTS clause along with the DROP USER statement as shown below, the specified user will be dropped and if a user with the given name doesn't exist, the query will be ignored
The output obtained is as follows
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.01 sec)
Dropping User Using a Client Program
In this section we are going to see various client programs to drop an existing user from MySQL.
Following are the syntaxes to drop a MySQL user in various programming languages
The MySQL PHP connector mysqli provides a function named query() to execute an SQL query in the MySQL database. To drop a user from a MySQL database, we need to execute the DROP USER statement using this function as
$sql = "DROP USER 'username'@'localhost'";$mysqli->query($sql);
Following are the client programs to drop an user in MySQL
$dbhost = 'localhost';$dbuser = 'root';$dbpass = 'password';$mysqli = new mysqli($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);if($mysqli->connect_errno ) { printf("Connect failed: %s", $mysqli->connect_error); exit();}//printf('Connected successfully.');$sql = "DROP USER 'Revathi'@'localhost'";if($mysqli->query($sql)){ printf("User dropped successfully...!");}if($mysqli->error){ printf("Failed..!" , $mysqli->error);}$mysqli->close();
The output obtained is as follows
User dropped successfully...!