Logical Operators
JavaScript Tutorial
This JavaScript tutorial is crafted for beginners to introduce them to the basics and advanced concepts of JavaScript. By the end of this guide, you'll reach a proficiency level that sets the stage for further growth. Aimed at empowering you to progress towards becoming a world-class software developer, this tutorial paves the way for a successful career in web development and beyond.
Logical Operators
JavaScript Logical Operators
The logical operators in JavaScript are generally used with Boolean operands and return a boolean value. There are mainly three types on logical operators in JavaScript:
(AND), ||
(OR), and !
(NOT). These operators are used to control the flow the program.Although the logical operators are typically used with Boolean values, they can be used with any type. For each non-boolean value, the operator converts to a boolean. The falsy values are converted to false and truthy values to true.
There are six falsy values in JavaScript:
, null
, undefined
, 0
(zero), ""
(empty string), NaN
. The value other than falsy values are treated as truthy values. So non zero numbers, non-empty strings, etc., are truthy values.The
and ||
operators return the value of one of the operands based on condition. So if the operands are non-boolean, they return a non-boolean value. The !
operator always returns a Boolean value.The operands may be literals, variables or expressions. These are first evaluated to boolean equivalent before performing the logical operation.
In the below table, we have given the logical operators with its description and example. Let’s assume: x = true, y = false.
JavaScript Logical AND (&&) Operator
The logical AND (&&) operator evaluates the operands from left to right. If the first operand can be converted to false, it will return the value of first operand, otherwise it will return the value of the second operand.
x && y
In the above expression if x is a falsy value then it will return the value of x otherwise it will return the value of y.
The above rule is followed for all types of operands, whether they are Boolean values, numbers or strings, etc.
Let's first discuss with Boolean operands. In general, for a set of Boolean operands, it will return true if both operands are true else it returns false.
true && true; // returns truetrue && false;// returns falsefalse && true; // returns falsefalse && false; // returns false
For number operands, the && operator will return the first operand if it is flasy values (0, -0, and 0n), otherwise second operand.
0 && 10; // returns 010 && 20; // returns 20 20 && 0; // returns 0
For string values, empty string is converted to false and non-empty string to true. Look at the below example.
let str1 = '';let str2 = 'Hello';let str3 = 'World'; console.log(str1 && str2); // returns '' empty stringconsole.log(str2 && str3); // returns World
Let's look how && operator works for null and undefined −
null && true // return nullundefined && true // returns undefined
For all above examples, you have noticed that if the first operand can be converted to false then it returns the value of first operand otherwise the value of second operand.
Now let's look at an example of a logical expression.
<html><body><div id="output"></div><script> const x = 3; const y = -2; document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = x > 0 && y > 2;</script></body></html>
Here x > 0 is evaluated to true and y > 2 is evaluated to false. And the final expression becomes true && false which is evaluated as false.
Multiple && Operators
If we have multiple && operators in an expression, the && operator evaluates the expression from left to right and it converts each operand to a boolean value. If the result is false, then it returns the value of that operand and terminates the execution. If all the operands are truthy then it returns the value of the last operand.
10 && null && false; // returns nulltrue && 10 && 20; // returns 20
JavaScript Logical OR (||) Operator
The logical OR (||) operator also evaluates the operands from left to right. If the first operand can be converted to true, it will return the value of first operand, otherwise it will return the value of the second operand.
x || y
In the above expression if x is a truthy value then it will return the value of x otherwise it will return the value of y.
As || is a logical operator but it can be applied to any type of operand not only boolean.
Let's first discuss with Boolean operands. In general, for a set of Boolean operands, it will return flase if both operands are false else it returns true.
true || true; // returns truetrue || false; // returns truefalse || true; // returns truefalse || false; // returns false
For number operands, the || operator will return the first operand if it is truthy values (other than 0, -0, and 0n), otherwise second operand.
0 || 10; // returns 1010 || 20; // returns 1020 || 0; // returns 20
For string values, empty string is converted to false and non-empty string to true. Look at the below example.
<html><body><div id="output"></div><script> let str1 = ''; let str2 = 'Hello'; let str3 = 'World'; document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = str1 || str2 + "<br>" + str2 || str3;</script></body></html>
Let's look how && operator works for null and undefined −
null || true; // returns trueundefined || true; // returns true
For all above examples, you have noticed that if the first operand can be converted to true then it returns the value of first operand otherwise the value of second operand.
Now let's look at an example with expression −
<html><body><div id="output"></div><script> const x = 3; const y = -2; document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = x > 0 || y > 2;</script></body></html>
Multiple || Operators
We may have multiple || operators in an expression. The || operator evaluates the expression from left to right and it converts each operand to a boolean value. If the result is true, then it returns the value of that operand and terminates the execution. If all the operands are falsy then it returns the value of the last operand.
null || 10 || false // returns 10false || null || undefined // returns undefined
JavaScript Logical NOT (!) Operator
The logical NOT (!) Operator is a unary operator. It returns false if the operand can be converted to true, otherwise it returns true.
If x is truthy, the NOT (!) operator returns false. If the x is falsy then it returns true.
Same as Logical AND, and OR operators, this logical NOT operator can also be used with non-boolean operands. But it will always return a Boolean value.
<html><body><div id="output"></div><script> document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = !true + "<br>" + !false + "<br>" + !0 + "<br>" + !20 + "<br>" + !('Hello World')</script></body></html>
Logical Operators Precedence
An expression may have more than one logical operators in JavaScript. In such situation, the operators are evaluated on the basis of their precedence. The NOT (!) operator has the highest precedence. Then AND (&&) operator has the higher precedence than OR (||) operator.
- Logical NOT (!)
- Logical AND (&&)
- Logical OR (||)
Let's check the following example −
<html><body><div id="output"></div><script> document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = (false || true && !false) // returns true</script></body></html>
The logical NOT (!) operator has the highest precedence so !false is evaluated to true. Hence the expression now looks like "false || true && true". The && has higher precedence than || so next "true && true" will be evaluated. Now the expression looks like "false || true". Finally "false || true" will be evaluated to true.
Short Circuit Evaluation
Logical expressions are evaluated from left to right. These are tested for short-circuit evaluation. Following is the rule of short circuit evaluation −
- false && any_value returns false
- true || any_value retuns true
The any_value part is not evaluated so it doesn't have any effect on final result.