Function bind() Method
JavaScript Tutorial
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Function bind() Method
Function bind() Method
The function bind() method in JavaScript creates a new function with a specified this value and optional arguments, without invoking the original function immediately. It is commonly used to set the context (this) for a function and partially apply arguments. This method is used to bind a particular object to a common function.
To understand the function
method, we should first understand the "this" keyword. In JavaScript (and other programming languages also), this is a special keyword that is used within functions to refer to the object on which the function is invoked. The value of this is depended on how a function is being called and behaviour of this can vary in different contexts.Syntax
The syntax of JavaScript function bind() method is as follows
functionToBind.bind(thisValue, arg1, arg2, ...);
Here functionToBind is the original function whose this value and arguments you want to set.
- thisValue − The value that should be passed as the this parameter when the new function is called.
- arg1, arg2, ... − Optional arguments that will be fixed (partially applied) when the new function is called. These arguments will be prepended to the arguments provided to the new function.
Lets now understand the Function bind() method with the help of some program examples.
Without Function bind() Method
Here we will create a general and common function
which simply prints to the console. We create a constant object named person and give it some property i.e. name and we then invoke the function greet by passing it a message "Hello".<html><body> <div id = "demo"> </div> <script> const output = document.getElementById("demo"); function greet(message) { output.innerHTML = message + ', ' +; } const person = { name: 'John Doe' }; greet('Hello'); </script> </body></html>
In this example, when the greet function is called directly without using bind, the this value is not explicitly set, leading to an undefined or global object (window in a browser environment) being used as this.
With Function bind() method
To overcome the issue in the previous code where it could not fetch any associated name, we make use of the bind function to bind the object person to the function greet.
<html><body> <div id = "demo"> </div> <script> const output = document.getElementById("demo"); // Original function function greet(message) { output.innerHTML = message + ', ' +; } // Object with a 'name' property const person = { name: 'John Doe' }; const greetPerson = greet.bind(person, 'Hello'); greetPerson(); </script> </body></html>
Hello, John Doe
The bind method was able to create a new function greetPerson wherein the this value has been explicitly set to the person object and argument "Hello" is partially applied as in the previous code as well.
Using bind() ensures that the function is executed in the desired context, preventing issues related to the default behaviour of this in JavaScript functions.
Example: Binding different objects to same function
We have created three objects with x and y coordinates of a point, a function printVal is created to print to the console the coordinates of the point. The bind method binds the points to the printVal function and prints the x, y coordinates of each of the points.
<html><body> <div id = "demo"> </div> <script> const output = document.getElementById("demo"); const points1 = { X: 100, Y: 100 } const points2 = { X: 200, Y: 100 }
const points3 = { X: 350, Y: 400 } function printVal() { output.innerHTML += "Coordinates: "+this.X + "," + this.Y + "<br>"; }
const printFunc2 = printVal.bind(points1); printFunc2();
const printFunc3 = printVal.bind(points2); printFunc3();
const printFunc4 = printVal.bind(points3); printFunc4(); </script> </body></html>
Coordinates: 100,100Coordinates: 200,100Coordinates: 350,400
Example: Setting the default values of function parameters
This is a new scenario wherein we make use of the bind function to predefine the parameter. The
function simply takes 2 inputs and returns their product. By using the bind()
method we can set any of the parameters to a default value as needed.In the below example, it sets the variable y to 2 and hence upon calling the function by passing just 1 parameter i.e. x as 5 it gets multiplies by the preset 2 and returns the output of 5x2=10.
<html><body> <div id = "output"> </div> <script> // Original function with parameters function multiply(x, y) { return x * y; }
// Using bind to preset the first parameter const multiplyByTwo = multiply.bind(null, 2); // Calling the bound function with only the second parameter document.getElementById("output").innerHTML= multiplyByTwo(5); </script> </body></html>
It is important to note that the bind method creates and returns a new function and does not modify the original function. The same function can be reused and yet made to match different use cases without actually modifying.