CSS Tutorial
This CSS tutorial is designed for beginners to navigate through the essentials and intricate aspects of CSS styling. Upon finishing this tutorial, participants will possess a comprehensive understanding of CSS, setting a solid foundation for further exploration and mastery. This guide aims to equip you with the skills necessary to transform your visions into visually appealing web designs, laying the groundwork for your journey towards becoming an accomplished web designer.
CSS quotes property allows browser to render quotation marks for the content.
This CSS quotes specifies how the browser should render quotation marks that are added using the open-quote and close-quote values of the content property.
Possible Values
- none − The open-quote and close-quote values of the content property produce no quotation marks.
- string,string,+ − One or more pairs of string values for open-quote and close-quote. The first pair represents the outer level of quotation. The second pair is for the first nested level and next pair for third level and so on.
- initial − Depends on user agent
- auto − Appropriate quote marks will be used for whatever language value is set on the selected elements (i.e. via the lang attribute).
Applies to
All elements.
Keyword Value
quotes: none;quotes: auto;
<string> Value
quotes: "«" "»"; quotes: "«" "»" "‹" "›";
Following table describes the various quotation mark characters:
CSS quotes - none Value
The none value for the quotes property indicates that open-quote and close-quote values of the content property produce no quotation marks. Following example demonstartes this:
<html><head><style> p { quotes: none; } p:before { content: open-quote; } p:after { content: close-quote; }</style></head><body> <p>Tutorialspoint CSS Quotes set to <i>none</i></p></body></html>
CSS quotes - <string> Value
Following example demonstartes specifies which quotation marks to use when string,string,+ value is used.
The first value specifies the first level of quotation embedding, the next two values specifies the next level of quote embedding, and so on
<html><head><style> #quote1 { quotes: '‘' '’'; } #quote2 { quotes: '"' '"'; } #quote3 { quotes: '<' '>'; } #quote4 { quotes: '<<' '>>'; } #quote5 { quotes: "<<" ">>" "<" ">"; } #quote6 { quotes: '\2018' '\2019'; } #quote7 { quotes: '\'' 00AB' ' \00BB'; } #quote8 { quotes: '\2039' '\203A'; } #quote9 { quotes: '\00AB' '\00BB'; } #quote10 { quotes: '\201D' '\201E'; }</style></head><body> <h3>Using quotes symbol:</h3> <p><q id="quote1">Tutorialspoint CSS Quotes.</q></p> <p><q id="quote2">Tutorialspoint CSS Quotes</q>.</q></p> <p><q id="quote1">Tutorialspoint CSS <q id="quote2">Quotes</q>.</q></p> <p>Tutorialspoint CSS <q id="quote3">Quotes</q>.</p> <p><q id="quote4">Tutorialspoint CSS Quotes</q>.</q></p> <p><q id="quote5">Tutorialspoint CSS<q id="quote5">Quotes</q>.</q></p>
<h3>Using entity number:</h3> <p><q id="quote6">Tutorialspoint CSS Quotes.</q></p> <p><q id="quote6">Tutorialspoint CSS<q id="quote6">Quotes</q>.</q></p> <p><q id="quote7">Tutorialspoint CSS Quotes.</q></p> <p>Tutorialspoint CSS <q id="quote8">Quotes</q>.</p> <p><q id="quote9">Tutorialspoint CSS <q id="quote9">Quotes</q>.</q></p> <p><q id="quot10">Tutorialspoint CSS Quotes.</q></p></body></html>
CSS quotes - initial Value
Followig example demonstrates use of the quotes: initial; property value. This values sets default values to quotes.
<html><head><style> q { quotes: initial; }</style></head><body> <p><q>Tutorialspoint CSS Quotes.</q></p></body></html>
CSS quotes - auto Value
Sets the quotes property to the value auto that automatically determines the correct quotation marks based on the language - as demonstrated in the following example:
<html><head><style> q { quotes: auto; }</style></head><body> <div lang="fr"> <q>Tutorialpoint est un site de cours d'anglais.</q> </div> <hr /> <div lang="ru"> <q>Tutorialpoint — сайт курсов английского языка.</q> </div> <hr /> <div lang="de"> <q>Tutorialpoint is een Engelse cursuswebsite</q> </div> <hr /> <div lang="en"> <q>Tutorialpoint is an english course website.</q> </div></body></html>
CSS quotes - Using :lang pseudo-class
You can also use the :lang pseudo-class to define different styles for quotation marks based on the language attribute (lang) within the elements.
- The :lang(en) rule defines styles for elements with the English language attribute.
- The :lang(fr) rule defines styles for elements with the French language attribute.
Let us see an example
<html><head><style> :lang(en) { quotes: "#" "#" "<<" ">>"; } :lang(fr) { quotes: '\2039' '\203A'; }</style></head><body> <p><q lang="en">Tutorialspoint CSS <q lang="en">Quotes</q>.</q></p> <p>Tutorialspoint CSS <q lang="fr">Quotes</q>.</p></body></html>