Match-Case Statement
Python Tutorial
This Python tutorial has been written for the beginners to help them understand the basic to advanced concepts of Python Programming Language. After completing this tutorial, you will find yourself at a great level of expertise in Python, from where you can take yourself to the next levels to become a world class Software Engineer.
Match-Case Statement
Before its 3.10 version, Python lacked a feature similar to switch-case in C or C++. In Python 3.10, a pattern matching technique called match-case has been introduced, which is similar to the switch-case construct available in C/C++/Java etc.
Python match-case Statement
A Python
statement takes an expression and compares its value to successive patterns given as one or more case blocks. The usage is more similar to pattern matching in languages like Rust or Haskell than a switch statement in C or C++. Only the first pattern that matches gets executed. It is also possible to extract components (sequence elements or object attributes) from the value into variables.Syntax
The basic usage of
is to compare a variable against one or more values.match variable_name: case 'pattern 1' : statement 1 case 'pattern 2' : statement 2 ... case 'pattern n' : statement n
The following code has a function named
. It receives an integer argument, matches it with all possible weekday number values, and returns the corresponding name of day.def weekday(n): match n: case 0: return "Monday" case 1: return "Tuesday" case 2: return "Wednesday" case 3: return "Thursday" case 4: return "Friday" case 5: return "Saturday" case 6: return "Sunday" case _: return "Invalid day number"print (weekday(3))print (weekday(6))print (weekday(7))
On executing, this code will produce the following output
ThursdaySundayInvalid day number
The last case statement in the function has "
" as the value to compare. It serves as the wildcard case, and will be executed if all other cases are not true.Combined Cases
Sometimes, there may be a situation where for more thanone cases, a similar action has to be taken. For this, you can combine cases with the OR operator represented by "
" symbol.Example
def access(user): match user: case "admin" | "manager": return "Full access" case "Guest": return "Limited access" case _: return "No access"print (access("manager"))print (access("Guest"))print (access("Ravi"))
The above code defines a function named
and has one string argument, representing the name of the user. For admin or manager user, the system grants full access; for Guest, the access is limited; and for the rest, there's no access.Full accessLimited accessNo access
List as the Argument
Since Python can match the expression against any literal, you can use a list as a case value. Moreover, for variable number of items in the list, they can be parsed to a sequence with "
" operator.Example
def greeting(details): match details: case [time, name]: return f'Good {time} {name}!' case [time, *names]: msg='' for name in names: msg+=f'Good {time} {name}!\n' return msg
print (greeting(["Morning", "Ravi"]))print (greeting(["Afternoon","Guest"]))print (greeting(["Evening", "Kajal", "Praveen", "Lata"]))
On executing, this code will produce the following output
Good Morning Ravi!Good Afternoon Guest!Good Evening Kajal!Good Evening Praveen!Good Evening Lata!
Using "if" in "Case" Clause
Normally Python matches an expression against literal cases. However, it allows you to include if statement in the case clause for conditional computation of match variable.
In the following example, the function argument is a list of amount and duration, and the intereset is to be calculated for amount less than or more than 10000. The condition is included in the case clause.
def intr(details): match details: case [amt, duration] if amt<10000: return amt*10*duration/100 case [amt, duration] if amt>=10000: return amt*15*duration/100print ("Interest = ", intr([5000,5]))print ("Interest = ", intr([15000,3]))
On executing, this code will produce the following output
Interest = 2500.0Interest = 6750.0
Practice with Online Editor
Note: This Python online Editor is a Python interpreter written in Rust, RustPython may not fully support all Python standard libraries and third-party libraries yet.
Remember to save code(Ctrl
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