Add Dictionary Items
Python Tutorial
This Python tutorial has been written for the beginners to help them understand the basic to advanced concepts of Python Programming Language. After completing this tutorial, you will find yourself at a great level of expertise in Python, from where you can take yourself to the next levels to become a world class Software Engineer.
Add Dictionary Items
Using the Operator
The "
" operator (used to access value mapped to a dictionary key) is used to update an existing key-value pair as well as add a new pair.Syntax
dict["key"] = val
If the key is already present in the dictionary object, its value will be updated to val. If the key is not present in the dictionary, a new key-value pair will be added.
In this example, the marks of "
" are updated to 95.marks = {"Savita":67, "Imtiaz":88, "Laxman":91, "David":49}print ("marks dictionary before update: ", marks)marks['Laxman'] = 95print ("marks dictionary after update: ", marks)
It will produce the following output
marks dictionary before update: {'Savita': 67, 'Imtiaz': 88, 'Laxman': 91, 'David': 49}marks dictionary after update: {'Savita': 67, 'Imtiaz': 88, 'Laxman': 95, 'David': 49}
However, an item with '
' as its key is not available in the dictionary, hence a new key-value pair is added.marks = {"Savita":67, "Imtiaz":88, "Laxman":91, "David":49}print ("marks dictionary before update: ", marks)marks['Krishan'] = 74print ("marks dictionary after update: ", marks)
It will produce the following output
marks dictionary before update: {'Savita': 67, 'Imtiaz': 88, 'Laxman': 91, 'David': 49}marks dictionary after update: {'Savita': 67, 'Imtiaz': 88, 'Laxman': 91, 'David': 49, 'Krishan': 74}
Using the update() Method
You can use the
method in dict class in three different ways:Update with Another Dictionary
In this case, the
method's argument is another dictionary. Value of keys common in both dictionaries is updated. For new keys, key-value pair is added in the existing dictionarySyntax
Return value
The existing dictionary is updated with new key-value pairs added to it.
marks = {"Savita":67, "Imtiaz":88, "Laxman":91, "David":49}print ("marks dictionary before update: \n", marks)marks1 = {"Sharad": 51, "Mushtaq": 61, "Laxman": 89}marks.update(marks1)print ("marks dictionary after update: \n", marks)
It will produce the following output
marks dictionary before update:{'Savita': 67, 'Imtiaz': 88, 'Laxman': 91, 'David': 49}marks dictionary after update:{'Savita': 67, 'Imtiaz': 88, 'Laxman': 89, 'David': 49, 'Sharad': 51, 'Mushtaq': 61}
Update with Iterable
If the argument to update() method is a list or tuple of two item tuples, an item each for it is added in the existing dictionary, or updated if the key is existing.
d1.update([(k1, v1), (k2, v2)])
Return value
Existing dictionary is updated with new keys added.
marks = {"Savita":67, "Imtiaz":88, "Laxman":91, "David":49}print ("marks dictionary before update: \n", marks)marks1 = [("Sharad", 51), ("Mushtaq", 61), ("Laxman", 89)]marks.update(marks1)print ("marks dictionary after update: \n", marks)
It will produce the following output
marks dictionary before update: {'Savita': 67, 'Imtiaz': 88, 'Laxman': 91, 'David': 49}marks dictionary after update: {'Savita': 67, 'Imtiaz': 88, 'Laxman': 89, 'David': 49, 'Sharad': 51, 'Mushtaq': 61}
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Note: This Python online Editor is a Python interpreter written in Rust, RustPython may not fully support all Python standard libraries and third-party libraries yet.
Remember to save code(Ctrl
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Update with Keyword Arguments
Third version of
method accepts list of keyword arguments in name=value format. New k-v pairs are added, or value of existing key is updated.Syntax
d1.update(k1=v1, k2=v2)
Return value
Existing dictionary is updated with new key-value pairs added.
marks = {"Savita":67, "Imtiaz":88, "Laxman":91, "David":49}print ("marks dictionary before update: \n", marks)marks.update(Sharad = 51, Mushtaq = 61, Laxman = 89)print ("marks dictionary after update: \n", marks)
It will produce the following output
marks dictionary before update: {'Savita': 67, 'Imtiaz': 88, 'Laxman': 91, 'David': 49}marks dictionary after update: {'Savita': 67, 'Imtiaz': 88, 'Laxman': 89, 'David': 49, 'Sharad': 51, 'Mushtaq': 61}
Using the Unpack Operator
The "
" symbol prefixed to a dictionary object unpacks it to a list of tuples, each tuple with key and value. Two dict objects are unpacked and merged together and obtain a new dictionary.Syntax
d3 = {**d1, **d2}
Return value
Two dictionaries are merged and a new object is returned.
marks = {"Savita":67, "Imtiaz":88, "Laxman":91, "David":49}print ("marks dictionary before update: \n", marks)marks1 = {"Sharad": 51, "Mushtaq": 61, "Laxman": 89}newmarks = {**marks, **marks1}print ("marks dictionary after update: \n", newmarks)
It will produce the following output
marks dictionary before update: {'Savita': 67, 'Imtiaz': 88, 'Laxman': 91, 'David': 49}marks dictionary after update: {'Savita': 67, 'Imtiaz': 88, 'Laxman': 89, 'David': 49, 'Sharad': 51, 'Mushtaq': 61}
Using the Union Operator (|)
Python introduces the "
" (pipe symbol) as the union operator for dictionary operands. It updates existing keys in dict object on left, and adds new key-value pairs to return a new dict object.Syntax
d3 = d1 | d2
Return value
The Union operator return a new dict object after merging the two dict operands
marks = {"Savita":67, "Imtiaz":88, "Laxman":91, "David":49}print ("marks dictionary before update: \n", marks)marks1 = {"Sharad": 51, "Mushtaq": 61, "Laxman": 89}newmarks = marks | marks1print ("marks dictionary after update: \n", newmarks)
It will produce the following output
marks dictionary before update: {'Savita': 67, 'Imtiaz': 88, 'Laxman': 91, 'David': 49}marks dictionary after update: {'Savita': 67, 'Imtiaz': 88, 'Laxman': 89, 'David': 49, 'Sharad': 51, 'Mushtaq': 61}
Using "|=" Operator
The "
" operator is an augmented Union operator. It performs in-place update o n the dictionary operand on left by adding new keys in the operand on right, and updating the existing keys.Syntax
d1 |= d2
marks = {"Savita":67, "Imtiaz":88, "Laxman":91, "David":49}print ("marks dictionary before update: \n", marks)marks1 = {"Sharad": 51, "Mushtaq": 61, "Laxman": 89}marks |= marks1print ("marks dictionary after update: \n", marks)
It will produce the following output
marks dictionary before update: {'Savita': 67, 'Imtiaz': 88, 'Laxman': 91, 'David': 49}marks dictionary after update: {'Savita': 67, 'Imtiaz': 88, 'Laxman': 89, 'David': 49, 'Sharad': 51, 'Mushtaq': 61}
Practice with Online Editor
Note: This Python online Editor is a Python interpreter written in Rust, RustPython may not fully support all Python standard libraries and third-party libraries yet.
Remember to save code(Ctrl
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